"Myles Mellor is a crossword writing genius."
Turner TV
"Just wanted to update you on how the MasterCard website did when the Crossword puzzle was introduced. Traffic, visitors and hits from the week before the crossword was posted to the week following all approximately tripled. Great news! We are very happy with the results."
Justine Anbeek - MacLAREN McCANN Advertising Agency
"We always get great feedback on your crosswordpuzzles! I've seen bankers doing them during our annual convention."
Publisher - American Community Bankers
"Our sponsors are happy. It is working. Let's keep it going. "
Publisher - International Watch Magazine
"I wanted to thank you for your contribution to the magazine; the crossword has been a fun feature for the readership and has contributed well to the magazine. "
Greg Enright - Editor, IT World Canada
"Everything worked out really well!! I will definitely reach out to you with our next crossword request, Myles. It's been an absolute pleasure!! Thanks again!"
Shanel Odum - Vibe Magazine
"The puzzles seemed to be a big hit and I am just thrilled!"
Marta Bright - Oracle Convention Dailies Editor